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Town Events Gallery

Wowzer Wednesdays

Wowzer Wednesday 2023

Wowzer Wednesday 2023


The Burgess Hill Teddy Bears Picnic

Pictures from Burgess Hill Teddy Bears Picnic 2024

Pictures from Burgess Hill Teddy Bears Picnic 2023

Pictures from Burgess Hill Teddy Bears Picnic 2023

Angie Bee from The King’s Church, Lion’s president John Carter, Kayleigh Elliott-Davidson from the Community Team at Burgess Hill Town Council and Julie Smyth from Central Sussex Rotary, 2023

Lion’s President John Carter and Town Mayor Janice Henwood, 2023

Picture of Town Mayor attending Teddy Bear’s Picnic 2022

Picture of Teddy Bear’s Picnic 2022



Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2024

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2024

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023

Picture from Burgess Hill Summer Fayre 2023


Batchelors Farm Community Picnic

Batchelors Farm Community Picnic 2023

Batchelors Farm Community Picnic 2023


Batchelors Farm Orchard Planting, 28 March 2023

Picture from Batchelors Farm Orchard Planting

Picture from Batchelors Farm Orchard Planting


Diabetes Awareness Event, 4 March 2023

Pictures from Diabetes Awareness Event

Pictures from Diabetes Awareness Event


Tile Painting, 16 February 2023

Picture from Tile Painting Event

Picture from Tile Painting Event




D-Day Commemorations 

D-Day Commemorations 2024

D-Day Commemorations 2024


Holocaust Memorial Day Commemorations, 27 January 2023

Picture of the Wall Memorial

Picture from the Holocaust Memorial Day Commemorations


Coronation Picnic

Coronation Picnic in the Park 2023


Romeo and Juliet 

Romeo and Juliet 2023

Romeo and Juliet 2023


Mid Sussex Marathon

Mid Sussex Marathon 2024

Mid Sussex Marathon 2024


Sports Sessions 

Sport session 2023

Sports session 2023

Sports session 2023

Sports session 2023


St George’s Day 

St George’s Day Tea Party 2024


Christmas Events

Christmas Event 2023

Christmas lights 2023

Picture from a Christmas Carol 2022

Picture from a Christmas Carol 2022


Creepy Craft Sessions

Creepy Craft session 2023

Creepy Craft session 2023

Picture from a Creepy Craft Session 2022

Picture from a Creepy Craft Session 2022


Lions Town Centre Event on 13 August 2022

Picture of Town Mayor attending Lions Town Centre Event

Town Centre Event picture


Family Fun Sessions

Family Fun session 2023

Family Fun session 2023

Picture of Family Fun Morning Aug 2022

Picture of Family Fun Morning Aug 2022