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Dementia Support

Dementia is a term given to a group of symptoms from certain diseases which affect the brain. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. In the UK, there are about 850,000 people living with dementia. If you know of any other groups or services not listed here, please let us know.

Please note, some support options may not be running currently due to Covid restrictions, please contact providers for up to date information.

Local Dementia Support


Safe Havens

There are 3 Safe Havens in Burgess Hill town centre, located at:

Market Place Shopping Centre

Burgess Hill Town Council’s Help Point at 96 Church Walk

Burgess Hill Library

The Safe Havens provide dementia awareness trained staff and a quiet place for people affected by dementia to receive help and assistance, for example, help with orientation, transport information or locating a mislaid person or belongings.


Information and Advice


Alzheimer’s Society provides information and support, funds medical and social research, and campaigns for better quality of life for people with dementia and greater understanding of the condition. Support in West Sussex includes support groups, advice and guidance. The Alzheimer’s Society also run a National Dementia Helpline, contact 0300 222 1122, and Talking Point, an online forum for people with dementia and their carers.

Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through its Admiral Nurse Service.

West Sussex Dementia  – Our mission is to provide supportive information in one place.

Information which is explorative and makes you stop and think! We encourage you to delve deeper into the web of information that surrounds a diagnosis of dementia. From preventative information, to how do I get a diagnosis, or what should I be considering for the future. This website is designed to get you thinking and asking questions!

The West Sussex Joint Dementia Strategy has been developed in partnership with the NHS West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), Social Care, District and Borough Councils, and Community and Voluntary providers, and includes direct input from people with the lived experience of dementia.

West Sussex Library Services provide a number of services and resources for people living with dementia, including Reminiscence Packs, Reading Well Books on Prescription, Memory Management Library Card and more.


Support Groups and Social Activities



Carers Support West Sussex have a range of Online Support Groups including a Dementia Support Group. View more information on the Carers Support West Sussex website.

Burgess Hill and District Rotary Club run Memory Sing-a-Longs with free tea and cake for people living with dementia and their carers. Visit their website for details on upcoming sing-a-longs.

Meeting Point welcomes people living with dementia and their carers to drop in for refreshments and chat each Saturday, from 10am – 12pm, at the United Reform Church, Junction Road, Burgess Hill.

Tapestry Day Club – offers stimulating days in small groups for people living with dementia in a safe and homely environment

Denentia Singing Group – Every Thursday from 27th April 2023
Salvation Army Hall
Cyprus Road
Burgess Hill
The Group is FREE and open to anyone with a diagnosis of Dementia who can come to the session with their carer (family member, friend or carer).

Booking a place via our charity email; Further information about our charity can be found on our website;

Dementia-friendly walks at Wakehurst

Dementia Buddy

Dementia Buddy is a small local charity, with a big HEART, that was set up to support people living with dementia and Alzheimer’s in the local community. They have created Guardian Angel devices that can be worn on the wrist, attached to a bag handle or zip, can be pinned to a hat or coat or attached to keys.

Respite Care


TuVida provides a tailored service of respite support for carers across West Sussex.

Forest View Care Home in Burgess Hill provides respite day care facilities.


Support and Services for Carers


Carers Emergency Alert Card is a credit-card sized laminated card which will identify you as a carer if you are out alone and become ill or have an accident. The scheme is free of charge for West Sussex residents.

Carers UK Digital Resource for Carers brings together a wealth of information and resources designed to support those looking after a loved one who is older, disabled or seriously ill.

Carers Support West Sussex provides information and support for friends, families and partners of people with a long-term health condition including memory loss and dementia.

Jointly is an app that makes caring for someone a little easier, less stressful and a lot more organised by making communication and coordination between those who share the care as easy as a text message.

Neighbourly Care is a support and befriending charity run by volunteers providing practical help to people of all ages experiencing or caring for someone with illness, frailty, disability, social isolation or a sudden crisis.

Pamper Day for Carers is an annual event held at Burgess Hill Girls school, and is free for any local resident who provides unpaid care to a family member or friend. Look out for the next date in the local press, the Town Council’s About Town Magazine, website and social media.

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Carers Health Team can offer support for carers over the age of 18 registered with a West Sussex GP.


Staying Safe


Chichester Careline partner with Mindme to provide GPS devices which can be worn by people with dementia, giving carers peace of mind and users more freedom.

In the event of someone with dementia going missing, you can report a missing person with Sussex Police.

The Helping Hand card is a scheme being operated by local bus companies including Brighton & Hove Buses, Metrobus, Southdown PSV, Compass Travel, Stagecoach, Big Lemon and Sussexbus. The free card enables passengers who may need extra assistance to discreetly explain the help they may require without having to verbally communicate it.

Gatwick Airport provide advice and support for passengers with hidden disabilities and their families or carers travelling through Gatwick, including a Hidden Disabilities lanyard which can be obtained at the airport.


Other Resources

M4D radio is a new radio station for people living with dementia. The station plays 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and you can choose what era of music you want to listen to. Tune in at